The popularity of Ibiza as a holiday destination continues to rise year on year with 1 ¼ million visitors in August alone – not bad for an island with barely 130.000 inhabitants!
Unfortunately for those inhabitants, as tourist numbers inexorably rise, so do the prices for food, accommodation and everything else – but, hey, that’s the price you pay for living in paradise…
So, theoretically, everybody should be happy? It seems, though, that the island’s hoteliers are not happy. While arrivals to the island appear to have increased this year by 5% overall, the hotel sector finds itself looking at almost static growth. Nowadays it seem that, for a variety of reasons, the island’s summer visitors are increasingly opting for a villa instead.
This shift in accommodation preference has not gone unnoticed by the island’s authorities, whose job is to make our visitors feel at home, in accommodation of their choice – and ideally return to the island on a regular basis.
To this end the process of approving villas for tourist rental has accelerated enormously this year, and new officially registered villas are coming to the market almost every week.
This is good news for visitors, because competition controls prices. Few villas here have dared to raise their prices over the last couple of years, but even fewer are complaining, as their occupancy levels reach new heights too – as anyone who left it late to try and book for either July or August this year will testify.
Our message is simple – if you want to enjoy the luxury of a villa on Ibiza next summer, make sure that you ask us to conduct your search and make that booking before you miss the bus!